Datuen arabera, nahiz eta lehenengo giza kokalekuak Mesolitoan Kobaua haitzuloan egon, erromatar garaira arte ez dago honi buruzko informazio gehiagorik eta 1355.ean sortzen du Markinako hiribildua Don Tello infanteak.

Erdi Aroan hiribildu berriaren babes-beharrak zirela eta, hesia edo harresia eraiki behar izan zuten.

Hainbat jauregi eta dorretxe kokatzen dira herrian zehar, Bidarte dorretxea edo Murga jauregia, Antxia edo Ibarra dorrea, Ansotegi edo Munibetxea dorrea, Solartekua edo Mugartegi jauregia (gaur egun udaletxea kokatuta dagoen eraikina), Andonaegi jauregia, Patrokua jauregia edo Gaytan de Ayalaren etxea, Barroeta dorrea, Ugarte dorrea,…

Hainbat eliza eta ermita daude, horietan berezia da Arretxinagakoa, barne aldean aurkitzen diren hiru harri handiek ikusmira eta kondairak areagotzen ditu. Esten denez, hiru harrien azpitik hiru aldiz igarotzen dena urte bete baino lehen ezkontzen dela.

Markinan garrantzia handia izan du pelotak, mundu osoan Pelotaren Unibertsitate lez da ezaguna, zesta puntako pelotari onenak bertotik atera ohi direlako. Lehenengo pelotalekua XVIII. mendean eraiki zen.

Txoko lasaia:

Kiroldegiaren inguruan ur parkea dago jarrita eta uda partean freskatzeko eta disfrutatzeko leku ederra gelditzen da familian joateko.

Markina-Xemeingo Turismo Web-a

What to do / see

Antsotegi Tower

The Ansotegi Tower, also known as the Munibetxea Tower, is located in the historic quarter of Markina-Xemein, next to the Antxia Tower.

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Antxia Tower

The Antxia Tower is located in the historic quarter of Markina-Xemein. It is a construction with an approximately quadrangular ground plan and a parallelepiped volume, with overhanging wooden eaves and a hipped roof.

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Convent and Church of El Carmen

It was founded in 1691. It was the work of Ignacio de Munibe y Axpe, abbot of the Collegiate Church of Ziortza. In 1808 the convent was suppressed and turned into barracks for the French troops.

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Municipal Fronton

The first known pelota court in Markina-Xemein dates back to 1702. Today it is located in the arcades in the centre of the village.

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Patrokua Palace or Gaytan de Ayala

In the gardens of the house, today the site of the Lea-Artibai education centre, you can visit the monument to Moguel, the work of the sculptor Xiri Andonegi, which represents some typographic forms with a message that corresponds to a passage from the work "Peru abarka".

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The pelota game, and more specifically the "cesta punta", is a modality that has traditionally brought many of the young pelotaris of this region to the courts of the most important pelota courts in the world.



This house is located in a rural setting, in the Urberuaga district of Markina-Xemein, 5 kilometres from Ondarroa...


Basque farmhouse from the 17th century restored in 2005 to be converted into a Rural House. It is located 10 km from the beach and in the middle of nature. Ideal place to rest and enjoy in a peaceful environment in the middle of nature.


It is located in the Ubila-Urberuaga neighbourhood, 3 km from Markina-Xemein. In a peaceful, quiet environment surrounded by nature.

Practical information

